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Order homemade treats. Pick-up or have us deliver. Open a box of happiness!

Baby Boy Bakers - St. Charles, MO Bakery

Baby Boy Bakers - St. Charles, MO Bakery


We are a family baking homemade desserts and breads in St. Charles, MO. We believe that homemade goodies not only taste a million times better than anything you can get from a store, but they are much better for you. (Yes, even with all that wonderful butter and sugar!) â€‹Packaged treats are full of additives and preservatives that stick around in your body and can be toxic. Do your body and your tastebuds a favor and go homemade!


A lot of people don't have time to spend in the kitchen or don't enjoy it as much as we do. (Gasp!) That's where the Baby Boy Bakers come in. We would be thrilled to hand you a plate of melty warm chocolate chip cookies or a freshly baked loaf of bread. Whether it's for a birthday, holiday, or just for fun, the Baby Boy Bakers will bake it for you!


The Baby Boy Bakers are on a mission: make the world a sweeter place, one "yum" at a time. 

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